A Plague Tale: Innocence (Xbox One)

random genres graphics themes release info hardware features

         Developer : Asobo Studio
             Genre : Stealth games
            Themes : Horror
      Release Info : Xbox Game Pass
        Other Tags : Female Protagonist

      Achievements : trueachievements.com

not completed.

A Plague Tale is an intense story about religious war and plague, told from a unique perspective of two children, and set in an impressively rendered medieval France. The gameplay and style is similar to The Last of Us.

Image source: geekyhobbies.com

Log entries

  • I played a few hours of this medieval stealth horror game, and I think it's good so far. However, I don't think I'm going to keep playing, and I think I know why. Most of the time I've played so far, you're running away from enemies or sneaking or hiding to avoid detection. The game forcing you to be defensive makes perfect sense, because you're playing as children, but it doesn't grab me as much as the usual video game power fantasies. I would recommend the game to anyone who enjoyed games like The Last of Us, it seems like a good one of those.

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