Killzone: Shadow Fall (PlayStation 4)

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Killzone: Shadow Fall

Log entries

  • So I went and bought a PlayStation 4 today. It was 4000 DKK, including Killzone. I'm very excited about new consoles.
  • 2013-12-20
  • Completed chapter 5/10. The end of chapter 5 looks great, volumetric fog and great focus effects makes Killzone look like a real next-gen game.
  • 2013-12-27
  • Completed chapter 6/10. A stealth-oriented chapter with some really annoying checkpointing, took me all night to complete. I'm thankful I never have to do that again.
  • Argh! Why is it so hard to figure out where to go? Frustrating!
  • The space train sequence wasn't very well done ... and the soundtrack was repetitive - a weirdly short loop.
  • Completed chapter 7/10. Very confusing at the end. I failed several times because I didn't discover the turret that would end the fight.
  • Just after the start of chapter 8 (after the flying sequence) looks amazing.
  • 2013-12-28
  • Completed the game on Normal difficulty. After a fake ending and an incredibly frustrating stealth level, I completed KZ:SF. The basic combat puzzle is actually pretty cool - the sequences where you use your guns and your OWL to defeat normal enemies work very well. However, everything else is an unwelcome chore, and the game as a whole seems very unpolished and unfinished.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.3.3 2024-05-31