Koji Kondo

random genres graphics themes release info hardware features

Koji Kondo



8 games in database, 4 completed (50%). Year range: 1985-2010, median: 1991.
list - box art - screenshots

 Super Mario Bros.                                       Nintendo                        NES       1985                    C         27 logs
 Super Mario Bros. 2                                     Nintendo                        NES       1988                               1 logs
 Super Mario Bros. 3                                     Nintendo                        NES       1988                              14 logs
 Super Mario World                                       Nintendo                        SNES      1990         1 video    C         21 logs, 4 facts
 Zelda: A Link to the Past                               Nintendo                        SNES      1991                               4 logs
 Super Mario 64                                          Nintendo                        N64       1996                               3 logs
 Super Mario Galaxy                                      Nintendo                        WII       2007                    C          3 logs
 Super Mario Galaxy 2                                    Nintendo                        WII       2010                    C         15 logs