Cold war

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Cold war

16 games tagged coldwar.

Games inspired by the Cold War, often involving nuclear annihilation.

Title ↓System ↓Year ↓

16 games in database, 4 completed (25%). Year range: 1980-2015, median: 1990.
list - box art - screenshots

  Missile Command                                         Atari                           Arcade    1980         1 video               7 logs
  Missile Command                                         Atari                           A2600     1981                               1 logs
  Raid Over Moscow                                        Access Software                 C64       1984                               1 logs
  F/A-18 Interceptor                                      Intellisoft                     Amiga     1988                               4 logs
  Guerrilla War                                           SNK                             NES       1988                    C          3 logs
  Spitting Image                                                                          Amiga     1989                               1 logs
  Strider                                                 Capcom                          CPS       1989                               1 logs
  Nuclear War                                             New World Computing             Amiga     1990                               1 logs
  Strider                                                 Capcom                          GEN       1990                               2 logs
  NAM-1975                                                SNK                             Neogeo    1990                               1 logs
  Missile Command                                                                         Amiga     1991                               1 logs
  Strider                                                                                 PS        2000         1 video               2 logs, 1 facts
  Metal Gear Solid 3                                      Konami                          PS2       2004                    C          6 logs
  Toy Soldiers: Cold War                                  Signal Studios                  360       2011         1 video    C          6 logs
  Strider                                                 Double Helix                    PS4       2014         2 videos              7 logs
  MGS5: The Phantom Pain                                  Kojima Productions              PS4       2015        32 videos   C  x 2    53 logs


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Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.2.12 2024-04-18