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Metal Gear Solid Mini-FAQ

Date     : 2025-01-08
Entry ID : 16613
Game     : Metal Gear Solid (@80)

I looked through every FAQ on GameFAQs, but never found a condensed item checklist that I would prefer. I started writing one.

                                               __ __          ___
-------------------------------- .-----.--.--.|  |  |_.-----.'  _|.---.-.----.
  Metal Gear Solid               |__ --|  |  ||  |   _|  -__|   _||  _  |   _|
  Item Checklist                 |_____|___  ||__|____|_____|__|  |___._|__|  
  Game   : Metal Gear Solid (PSX)
  Author : syltefar
  Date   : 2025-01-08
  URL    :


                   Keycard lvl
  Name                      |   Area           Location
  [ ] Rations x 2               Dock           1 in the water
  [ ] Chaff grenades            Heliport       between search lights
  [ ] Stun grenades             Heliport       room to the west
  [ ] SOCOM pistol              Heliport       truck
  [ ] Chaff grenades            Tank Hangar    on platform to the left
  [ ] Thermal Goggles           Tank Hangar    in room
  [ ] Level 1 Keycard           Tank Hangar    
  [ ] Cardboard box/A       1   Tank Hangar    in room
  [ ] C4                        Armory      

  [ ] Level 2 keycard           Armory         after Revolver Ocelot
  [ ] FA-MAS                2   Armory           
  [ ] Grenade                   Armory           
  [ ] SOCOM supressor       2   Tank Hangar
  [ ] Mine detector         2   Tank Hangar

  [ ] Level 3 keycard           Canyon         after Raven
  [ ] Nikita Launcher           Nuclear Bld.   B1
  [ ] Gas Mask              3   Nuclear Bld.   B1

  [ ] Level 4 keycard           Nuclear Bld.   after Cyborg Ninja
  [ ] Night-vision goggles  4   Nuclear Bld.   B2
  [ ] PAL card key              Nuclear Bld.

  [ ] Level 5 keycard           Nuclear Bld.   from Meryl
  [ ] Medicine              6   Nuclear Bld.   B1
  [ ] Cardboard box/B       4   Nuclear Bld.   B1
  [ ] Diazepam              4   Nuclear Bld.   B1

  [ ] PSG1 Sniper Rifle     5   Armory           
  [ ] Camera                5   Armory         hall with two sentries
  [ ] Stinger                   Comm. Tower B

  Torture!! - Determines ending and NG+ item!

  [ ] Level 6 keycard           Prison
  [ ] Ketchup                   Prison
  [ ] Hankerchief               Prison
  [ ] Timed Bomb!               Prison         Torture Room

  [ ] Stinger Rocket Launcher   Comms Tower

  [ ] Cardboard box/C       4   Snow Field

  Disc 2 ..................................................................

  [ ] Body Armor                Blast Furnace
  [ ] Level 7 keycard           Warehouse      after Vulcan Raven



  Frequency   Contact
  140.15      Meryl
  140.48      Deepthroat (Gray Fox)
  140.85      Campbell
  140.96      Mei Ling
  141.12      Otacon/Sniper Wolf
  141.52      Nastasha
  141.80      'Miller' (Liquid Snake)

  140.07      Staff Message (Japan only)
  140.66      Staff Message (Japan only)


Equip box in truck to fast travel:

  Fast Travel

  Item              Fast Travel Destination
  Cardboard box/A   Heliport
  Cardboard box/B   Nuclear Storage
  Cardboard box/C   Snowfield


Tank boss fight
- Crawl beneath the snowy incline.
- Throw grenades at gunner.

Gray Fox
- Use fists only until teleport phase.
- When he goes invisible, use Thermal Goggles.
- When he teleports around with the exploding force field, shoot him with the FAMAS.

Psycho Mantis boss fight
- use a 2nd controller, should be OK if controller 1 is still plugged in.
- use Thermal Goggles to find him.
- Crawl under hovering furniture.
- Use Stun Grenades on Meryl.

Sniper Wolf boss fight
- Use Diazepam to stabilize aim.

- Resist: Meryl ending     - NG+ Infinite ammo bandana
- Surrender: Otacon ending - NG+ Stealth camo


  Underground Cave Map

        --+-------+     [ ] EXIT      x  : crawl
          |       |      |           [ ] : room
    snow [ ]     [ ]--x--+       
    room  |       |           
          x       x      o hole in
          |       |      |  wall
          |      [ ]     |
          |              |
          |              |
   ENTRY [ ] 



Hold L1+L2+R1+R2+Select+Start for 3 seconds to restart


* 2025-01-08: First version uploaded


* GameFAQs: Guide and Walkthrough
  El Greco (2003)

* GameFAQs: Guide and Walkthrough
  Johan Henriksson (crayon) (1998)
  Walkthrough with items

* Metal Gear Solid: Items
  Various authors
  This has a nice overview

* DeviantArt: Metal Gear Solid - 1998
  VGCartography (2021)
  Cool isometric maps and an overview of the entire game

Show source


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.4 2025-01-13