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Metal Gear Solid Story Summary

Date     : 2025-01-13
Entry ID : 16623
Game     : Metal Gear Solid (@80)

Sorting out the complexities of the story for the classic stealth action game.


This article is based on many sources, but primarily the Metal Gear Wiki 1.

Key Fact
Time/place 2005 Alaska (Fox Islands)
Characters Solid Snake
Factions DoD vs. Sons of Big Boss, secretly manipulated by President Sears (Solidus)
Goals Metal Gear REX and its experimental nuclear warhead
Events Shadow Moses Island Incident
Deaths Snake unwittingly kills Decoy Octopus disguised as DARPA chief Donald Anderson
and ArmsTech president Kenneth Baker by exposing them to FOXDIE
Ocelot kills Anderson
Snake kills Decoy Octopus (disguised as Anderson), Psycho Mantis, Vulcan Raven, Sniper Wolf, and finally Liquid Snake (death by FOXDIE).
Gray Fox cuts off Ocelot's arm.


Solid Snake hiding in the Heliport

In its own strange way, MGS is a family drama.
The US President Solidus uses Ocelot to manipulate his clone-brother Liquid Snake to take over Shadow Moses. The DOD blackmails Campbell by sending his niece Meryl into harms way to help the third clone-brother, Solid Snake, to thwart Solidus' plot by killing the Sons of Big Boss using the FOXDIE virus. Dr. Hunter avenges Solid Snake killing Big Boss (the father of the clones) and her adoptive brother Gray Fox (who killed her parents) by including Solid Snake's DNA in the FOXDIE target list.

Big Boss Clones

Hunter and Jaeger

Campbell and Meryl



In the early game, the primary factions is the US Department of Defense (DOD) who sends out Solid Snake to rescue DARPA chief Anderson and ArmsTech president Baker from terrorist group Sons of Big Boss. However, as the game progresses, it turns out that Sons of Big Boss are secretly controlled by the US President George Sears, who's building power against The Patriots, the shadowy group that controls the US government, including the DOD.

So in the end, the game is about a struggle between The Patriots and the US President.

US Department of Defense (Pentagon, DARPA)


Sons of Big Boss (FOXHOUND)

Decoy Octopus posing as DARPA chief Donald Anderson

The Sons of Big Boss unknowingly act as the pawns of Solidus, through manipulation by Ocelot.


Snake is a pawn of the DOD, sent on a rescue mission, but unknowingly killing the Sons of Big Boss and Baker with exposure to the FOXDIE virus.

Open questions



  1. Metal Gear Wiki
    Various authors (2024) 

  2. The COMPLETE Metal Gear Series Story Retrospective
    Gingy (2023)
    YouTube channel: Gingy
    Plot analysis 

Show source


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.8 2025-02-11