Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (PlayStation 4)

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Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare

Log entries

  • Another free PS plus game. I'm playing it completely wrong, as I'm playing Garden Ops alone. I getting murdered, but its kind of fun, I wonder if I can somehow level up to be able to survive longer?
  • Completed wave 2/10.
  • I just opened a lot of free Sticker Packs (their pay-to-play scheme), let's see if I can do better.
  • Completed the game with Peashooter on Easy difficulty (Garden Ops). I accidentally made a public game, and was joined by three other plant dudes. It turned out fine, but was a bit more chaotic than I prefer. We ended up completing all 10 waves and escaping.
  • Completed the game with Peashooter on Easy difficulty (Garden Ops). OK, that wasn't too hard to complete alone.
  • Completed the game with Cactus on Easy difficulty (Garden Ops). OK, that wasn't too hard to complete alone.
  • Completed 8/10 waves on normal difficulty.
  • Completed 6/10 waves on normal difficulty.
  • Completed 9/10 waves on normal difficulty.
  • Completed the game with Peashooter on Normal difficulty. After buying a whole lot of Reinforcements Packs for my hard earned fake money, I had enough plants to make it through normal difficulty alone.
  • Completed 7/10 waves on normal difficulty with the Chomper. This class is not well suited for solo play, its primary function is to take out specific targets.
  • Completed 9/10 waves on normal difficulty with the Peashooter.
  • Completed 8/10 waves on normal difficulty with the Sunflower. That thing is surprisingly cool.
  • 2014-12-21
  • Completed the game with Peashooter on normal difficulty (Garden Ops).
  • There is something incredibly appealing about this game. The characters are charming, funny, and look great, and the sound has that pleasant and impactful PopCap style. As of the first couple of hours, the pay-to-play mechanics are not in the way at all - I haven't spent a dime yet.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.5 2025-01-19