Torchlight is my first purchase on Steam. Steam works like a charm, no issues of any kind. Torchlight is a very cool and very Diablo-esque hack-and-slash RPG, and very cheap to boot (16 EUR). Interestingly, it was done in the Ogre open source graphics engine.
Reached level 20/35.
Played for a while in Sweden.
Played for a few minutes on my laptop. I still enjoy this game.
Reached level 28/35.
Reached level 30/35.
Completed level 32/35.
Completed level 34/35 on my MacBook running in a window. I had unknowingly saved the game just before a boss fight, so I beat that without any problems, and now I'm at the final boss fight, it seems. I think I should probably connect the laptop to the TV for the final boss fight. :)
Completed the game on Normal difficulty.
... And that's what I did. Ordrak, the last boss, had a truly epic number of hitpoints, so it took a lot of patience and a lot of Slash Attacks to finish him off. After a scrolling text message and some elfy looking girl congratulating me, the game just keeps going with infinite dungeons. However, I think my time with Torchlight is spent for now. According to Steam, I've played Torchlight for 24 hours total. Sounds about right.
Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page.