Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (Game Boy Advance)

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Strategy! Tactics! Permadeath!

Log entries

  • I'm searching for a fun turn-based strategy game, and given how much I enjoyed the Advance Wars games, Fire Emblem might be a game for me.
  • 2016-01-15
  • Completed chapter 2/20. I had to reload, because characters got killed. That's Fire Emblem for you, I suppose. I'm trying to skip as much story stuff as I can, it seems you can rely on chapter descriptions on the map screen and in-mission dialogue to get enough information.
  • Completed chapter 3/20.
  • 2016-01-16
  • Man, I'm really starting to enjoy Eirika *stabbing* dudes to death. Brutal, yet elegant.
  • 2016-01-19
  • Completed chapter 5 and got Joshua, who seems cool.
  • 2016-01-20
  • A few failed attempts at chapter 6 taught me that Pegasus Knights are too weak for scouting, and magic is great against armored enemies, but arrows are not. Makes sense.
  • 2016-01-21
  • Completed chapter 6. I'm playing on normal difficulty, BTW.
  • Completed chapter 7. Orson is a traitor (which I already knew).
  • 2022-11-14
  • I copied my backed up savegame from 6 years ago to the MiSTer.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.5 2025-01-19