PSVR Worlds (PlayStation 4)

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I'm afraid of sharks. I wasn't before trying this.

Log entries

  • While at AES in London, I was able to try the Playstation VR set for the first time. The SCE London guys were kind enough to give us a demo, and 'The Deep' was the first thing I tried. The kit is really good, the tracking was pretty much perfect. The demo was very convincing, and that damn shark scared me half to death. My heart was pounding afterwards.
  • I also got to try 'The London Heist shootout' demo, which was incredibly fun. I was playing with the great Playstation VR kit, and a couple of Move controllers, the tracking of which was maybe not quite accurate enough to be convincing. Nevertheless, ducking behind a table and shooting bad guys with completely free aiming was a fantastic experience. It felt like being inside a Time Crisis game, instead of playing one.
  • 2020-11-04
  • I've downloaded the 'PlayStation VR Demo Disc' and this collection was fun to try again. 'The Deep' had been renamed to 'Ocean Descent', but it was basically the same thing. However, I played the shark-less, non-scary, beautiful ocean descent.
  • Afterwards, I played a shooting gallery with the DualShock, which worked surprisingly well.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.5 2025-01-19