Arkanoid (Amiga)

🎲 random (⌨R) genres graphics themes release info hardware features audio

            Series : Arkanoid
Original Developer : Taito
    Port Developer : Taito
             Genre : Ball and paddle games
           Port of : Arkanoid (1986 Arcade) 

not completed.


Scores - FS-UAE:
 179260 ..........  on 2017-03-04
 150800 ..........  on 2017-03-04
 127310 ..........  on 2017-03-04
  90990 ..........  on 2017-03-01
  60850 ..........  on 2017-02-25
  30840 ..........  on 2017-02-25

Log entries

  • How strange that I never encountered this port before. I always loved Arkanoid, and would have played this like crazy on my brother's Amiga back in 1987.
  • The version of Arkanoid I found was cracked by 'The Star Frontiers'. They mention that it was 'ADAPTED FOR PAL AMIGAS', so the game seems to have been originally written for NTSC. This is good news, as 60 Hz has become the predominant display refresh rate, and emulating this game on NTSC virtual hardware should work perfectly.
  • Indeed, running the game in FS-UAE with the option --ntsc_mode=1 makes the game run smoothly on my 60 Hz display.
  • Oooh, big space invader.
  • Got the score 30840 in FS-UAE.
  • Got the score 60850 in FS-UAE. Reached ROUND 8.
  • It says 99 continues, but I think it may be infinte. And there is a level select. Doesn't get much easier than that.
  • 2017-02-27
  • I reached ROUND 11, which is really tricky. Grey blocks only.
  • When I finally beat ROUND 11, it was in spectacular fashion, with the ball going behind the grey blocks and entering the inner area, slowly eating its way out. Now I reached ROUND 14.
  • 2017-03-01
  • Got the score 90990 in FS-UAE. Reached level 17.
  • Reached level 19.
  • 2017-03-04
  • Got the score 127310 in FS-UAE. Reached ROUND 23.
  • Reached level 27/33.
  • Got the score 150800 in FS-UAE. I played through levels 1-24, recording it for uploading to YouTube.
  • ARGH! I reached the final boss, DOH, with only 1 life and was hit. Game over. No continues. Start over from level 20. Angry.
  • So the lesson is: never complete level 32 with less than 3 lives. Or something.
  • Got the score 179260 in FS-UAE. I played level 20-24 again to re-record level 25-33, hopefully beating DOH.
  • Noooo! I accidentally completed level 32 and died again to DOH!!
  • 2017-03-05
  • ARRGGHHHH!!! I played all the way from level 20 *again*, reaching level 32, and suicided and retried a million times until I finally reached DOH with 3 lives. And then I died 3 times in a row. *sob* ... I can't do this anymore.
  • You need 16 hits on DOH on the same life. Going into the boss fight with multiple lives only helps increase the chance of success in one of the lives.


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.8 2025-02-11