A port of Irem's 1984 arcade game Kung-Fu Master, released as 'Spartan X' in Japan, and based on the 1984 martial arts comedy movie 'Wheels on Meals' with Jackie Chan.
Scores - GAME A (Mednafen): 74360 ........... on 2018-11-13 30340 ........... on 2018-11-08
and the game is frozen while you enter codes (including video recording).
stored at address $04A6
. I wanted a cheat that set this value to $30
whenever it was accessed. In the cheat interface, I did this the following way:> 2 (Cheat Search...) > 1 (Add Cheat) Name: hits Type: S (Substitue on reads) Address: $4a6 Value: $30 Enable? Y
and then disabled the cheat to defeat him with a single low kick. Disabling the cheat was necessary to enable his hit points to go below $01
when I kicked him.