Overcooked 2 (Xbox One)

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            Series : Overcooked
         Developer : Team17, Ghost Town Games
          Features : Local Cooperative Gameplay
            Themes : Food
      Release Info : Xbox Game Pass
        Other Tags : Christmas

      Achievements : trueachievements.com


The Overcooked games are intense cooperative games where you play as 1-4 chefs that must make various dishes before time runs out. In this game, you are up against The Unbread, a horde of undead slices of bread hungry for the flesh of the living. Getting 3 stars on a level can be overwhelming, and usually involves a lot of shouting and panic from the players. Still, when it all comes together, and the team starts acting as one, it really feels amazing.

Overcooked 2

Log entries

  • Malu and I started playing this extremely fun sequel. You can throw and catch ingredients now!
  • We reached world 2. Each world seems to have 6 levels and a bonus level.
  • We beat World 2 and got 3 stars in every level.
  • 2020-02-02
  • We completed world 3 and 4 in a long marathon session.
  • 2020-02-08
  • We beat World 5. It's super fun and intense.
  • Completed the game. We did it! It was difficult, but very fun.
  • 2020-04-20
  • I played some Arcade matches with Malu, and it seems like it's just random levels from the campaign. We also played some Versus, where you're switching between controlling two characters. It's a lot to deal with, and Malu does way better than me.
  • 2024-12-29
  • We played the 5 Christmas-themed levels. We didn't get 3 stars on all of them, they were quite difficult.


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page.

syltefar.com v.2.7.8 2025-02-11