Riverbond (Xbox One)

🎲 random genres graphics themes release info hardware features

             Genre : Action adventure
          Features : Local Cooperative Gameplay
          Graphics : Voxels
      Release Info : Xbox Game Pass

      Achievements : trueachievements.com

Image source: bitwares.net

Log entries

  • This is a casual top-down action game with simple sword-swinging combat similar to the old Zelda games. The voxel-based levels look cute, and the whole game has a very relaxing vibe. There is no death penality, and it feels like a good game designed for kids, similar to the LEGO games.
  • Malu and I played through the first two levels. This is very relaxing and pretty fun.
  • 2020-05-06
  • We have now completed 6/9 levels. Cute and fun, a perfect game for kids.
  • 2020-05-12
  • Completed the 7th level.
  • 2020-05-19
  • Completed the 8th level. It's almost like a Diablo level, full of demons, gargoyles and lava.
  • 2020-05-20
  • I still haven't unlocked the pig. Where is the pig?
  • 2020-05-30
  • Completed the game. Malu and I completed the last level while Malu was on the phone with her mom. Very casual game, but charming and with nice graphics.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page.

syltefar.com v.2.3.4 2024-07-08