Series : Warhammer Developer : Eko Software Genres : Action role playing game Diablo-like Features : Local Cooperative Gameplay Trophies :
'Warhammer: Chaosbane' is a Diablo-like action RPG set in the wonderful world of the Warhammer table-top games. You select one of 5 preset characters and fight your way through thousands of demons. The game is structured in 4 acts around each Chaos God: Act I is Nurgle, Act II is Khorne, Act III is Slaanesh, and Act IV is Tzeentch. The game is fun and casual, but is so easy in two-player cooperative mode, that we ended up finishing the game on 'Very Hard' difficulty, the highest difficulty available before completing the game, and Act IV was still a complete cakewalk. The combat is well-designed, it feels satisfying, and each character has a large number of abilities that you can combine in satisfying ways. The story is standard fare for Warhammer stuff, with pretty good over-the-top voice acting. The one serious problem I have with the game is the lack of environment variety: you walk through the same levels over and over again, and the layout is incredibly dull and uninspired. The Diablo games does this far better, even the older games.
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