Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (Xbox 360)

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- Thanks to Nabaz for receiving a bunch of games for me in the mail while I was in Egypt.
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Log entries

  • Completed the game with Ryu, Dante, and Chris Redfield on Very Easy (1/5) difficulty using 2 continues and got the score: 220187 (Arcade Mode). Galactus is surprisingly easy on Very Easy. They really mean easy, unlike in games such as SF4... Haha - the speaker is hilarious. 'A new character has been unlocked!' A new movie has been unlocked! A new character has been unlocked!', etc... :)
  • 2011-05-20
  • Completed the game with Akuma on Easy difficulty using 0 continues.
  • Completed the game with Taskmaster on Normal difficulty. Galactus doesn't seem to be getting any harder
  • 2011-05-21
  • Completed the game with Tron Bonne (with Sentinel and Hulk) on Normal difficulty. Galactus doesn't seem to be getting any harder
  • 2011-07-23
  • Completed the game with Haggar on Normal difficulty (Arcade Mode).
  • Completed the game with Wolverine on Normal difficulty (Arcade Mode).
  • 2011-07-25
  • Completed the game with Morrigan on Normal difficulty (Arcade Mode).
  • Completed the game with Wolverine on Normal difficulty (Arcade Mode).
  • 2011-12-13
  • Completed the game with Hulk on Normal difficulty (Arcade Mode). Feels great with my MadCatz Arcade FightStick TE.
  • 2011-12-15
  • Completed the game with Spider-Man on Normal difficulty (Arcade Mode).

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Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.4.0 2024-07-31