Inscryption (PlayStation 5)

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    Port Developer : Daniel Mullins Games
             Genre : Virtual card games
            Themes : Horror
           Port of : Inscryption (2021 Win) 

          Trophies :

Map icon legend by Mel 'gamer_momentum' at Reddit
Image source:


  • The topmost row with the arrows are not part of the combat, it just shows what the opponent will play on his *next* turn.
  • Creatures attack at the end of your turn. If there is a card in front of them, they will deal damage to that, otherwise they will deal damage to the opponent.
  • Two flying creatures don't block each other.
  • In the Campfire, 'feed' them a poisonous animal to get multiple upgrades.

Log entries

  • Preordered for 134 DKK. It's out at the end of the month, August 30th.
  • 2022-09-02
  • My first game of Inscryption was two hours of spookiness. It's very cool so far, and I like how elegantly the game ramps up in complexity as I'm playing.
  • Oh no, I failed The Angler again!
  • 2022-09-21
  • Got the Face to Face trophy. - The Campfire poison trick is insanely overpowered. I end up playing 5/1 cards with 0 casting cost. Crazy. I beat The Angler *and* the Trapper / Trader.
  • Got the Enduring Victory trophy. - I destroyed The Moon and defeated Leshy. And then something *really* weird happened.
  • 2022-09-23
  • Got the Balance of Power trophy. - Act 2, apart from being an early 1990s DOS game, retains the 'Beasts' card battle rules of Act 1, and adds 3 new sets of cards with different rules to the mix, 'Magicks', 'Dead', and 'Technology'. It's overwhelming at first, but I managed deck-building by focusing on the 'Beasts' cards. I eventually beat all 4 'Scrybes' and entered Act 3.
  • Act 3 returns to the visual style of Act 1, but now only using the 'Technology' cards, and an open-world map that seems to correspond to world map in Act 2. The 'Technology' cards take some getting used to, and I find myself enjoying this act less than Act 1, while still being compelled to complete the game.
  • 2022-09-29
  • Got the Essence Capture trophy. - I defeated The Photographer (Act 3). The photo mechanic was neat, I could capture a board state and restore it as many times as I want.
  • 2022-10-02
  • Got the Painter's Servant trophy. - Defeated The Unfinished Boss.
  • Completed the game. The final battles were completely nuts and displayed different modes of play and art styles, while the game itself was being deleted.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.6.0 2024-12-02