Our host showed me their Analogue Super NT, and what better way to show it off than running a SNES game that cannot run on a real SNES! This is the first time I saw a game using the MSU1, the virtual expansion chip designed by byuu/Near that enables CD quality audio and addressing up to 4GB data. This one is particularly unique since it's not a romhack, but a new port of a LaserDisc arcade game. I don't know what to think about the MSU1, I think it's not designed for me. The game itself is an action-acked Dragon's Lair QTE nightmare.
Now that Kiwi Farms has been dropped by Cloudflare after a campaign by activist streamer Keffals, and immediately hacked out of existence, I'm reminded that byuu/Near committed suicide in 2021, likely as a result of coordinated harassment from the Kiwi Farms community.
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