Mortal Kombat II (Genesis 32X)

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  • Move list:

    COMMON   | LP (close)     Throw
    - [ The notation 'LP(F-F-F)' means hold LP, enter F,F,F, release LP ]
    - Fatality inputs have to input pretty fast!
    - 'far' means full screen distance
    F-F-HP         Acid Spit      | B-B-D-LP (jump range)    Eat Head
    B-B-HP+LP      Force Globe    | F-F-D-HK (close, invis.) Torso Rip
    BL(U-U-D)-HP   Invisibility   | D-F-F-BL (close)         Stage
    B+HK+LK        Slide
    HB-HK          Energy Wave    | LP(F-F-F)      (close) Head Smasher
    Hold LK 3s     Ground Smash   | BL-BL-BL-BL-LP (sweep) Arm Rip
    F-F-LP,LP...   Gotcha Grab    | U-U-D-LK       (close) Stage
    Throw+HP,HP... Repeated Slam
    BL (air)       BackBreaker
    B-B-LP         Spear          | BL(U-U)-HP     (far)   Flame
    D-B-HP         Teleport Punch | BL(D-D-U-U)-HP (far)   Toasty
    D-B-HP (air)   Teleport Punch | HP(D-F-F-F)    (close) Slice
    D-B-LK         Leg Takedown   | D-F-F-BL       (close) Stage
    BL (air)       Mid-Air Throw  
    D-F-LP         Iceball        | F-F-D-HK      (jump)  Shatter
    D-B-LK         Ground Freeze  | -> F-D-F-F-HP (close) Shatter Uppercut
    B+HK+LK        Slide          | LP(B-B-D-F)   (far)   Ice Orb Splosion
                                  | D-F-F-BL      (close) Stage
    D-F-LP         Lighting       | HP 12s          (close) Uppercut
    B-B-F          Body Launch    | LK 3s,BL+LK,... (close) Explosion
    B-B-F (air)    Body Launch    |
    HP 5s          Electrocution  | BL(U-U-U)-HP   Stage
    TEST MODE - Go to Options, highlight 'Done': LDR RDL LLL RRR
            No Damage to P1 : You are invincible
            1 Hit Kills P2:   You are infinitely strong :)
    Fight JADE  - In stage before [?], win round using only LK
    Fight SMOKE - In portal stage, do uppercut, and press Start when
                  Dan Forden says 'Toasty'
    Fight NOOB SAIBOT - 50 WINS in a row
    ACID POOL STAGE FATALITY - all characters:
    hold LP+LK and do a normal uppercut
    Moves are the same for all platforms.
    Babalities and Friendships have special match requirements to work.


  • This GameFAQ is great for learning the moves.

  • I'm probably just bad at this game, but so far the AI seems incredibly boring to play against. It seems to lack a degree of randomness, and most of the time just proceeds according to a very simple algorithm.

  • My current thoughts are that single player MK2 is just bad. I'm sure this is a great multiplayer game, but the way the AI plays is extremely boring. I'm moving on to MK3 for now.

Log entries

  • I hear this is the best home port of MK2. Even if I have to go into the menu every time I play it and change to 6-button controller.

  • 2023-10-08
  • Completed the game with Reptile on Very Easy difficulty (MiSTer).

    On this difficulty, the AI is very boring, but on higher difficulties, I'm getting destroyed.

  • Completed the game with Jax on Very Easy difficulty (MiSTer).
  • Completed the game with Jax on Very Easy difficulty (MiSTer).

    I was annoyed with my performance and replayed the Tower with Jax.

  • 2023-10-09
  • I'm working on a nice condensed cheat sheet for this game, will put it here when I'm done.

  • Completed the game with Scorpion on Very Easy difficulty (MiSTer).
  • 2023-10-10
  • Completed the game with Sub-Zero on Very Easy difficulty (MiSTer).


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.8 2025-02-11