Street Fighter Alpha 2 (SNES)

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            Series : Street Fighter
Original Developer : Capcom
    Port Developer : Capcom
             Genre : Fighting games
           Port of : Street Fighter Alpha 2 (1996 CPS2) 

      Achievements :


This port has some weird issues with freezing a couple of seconds right before every match, but is otherwise a decent port of the arcade version.

Street Fighter Alpha 2

Log entries

  • Completed the game with Sagat on 4/8 difficulty (Arcade Mode). Played this on the Playdead office Super Nintendo at a party, while being a bit drunk.
  • 2014-05-21
  • I got my own copy from eBay!
  • Completed the game with Ryu on 4/8 difficulty using 0 continues (Arcade Mode). The AI on the snes is too easy, I barely lost a round.
  • 2014-05-23
  • Completed the game with Akuma on 4/8 difficulty using 0 continues (Arcade Mode). OK, I seriously need to crank up the difficulty, I got double perfect in the last round against Gen.
  • Completed the game with Ryu on 6/8 difficulty (Arcade Mode). A little bit more fun, but still pretty easy.
  • Completed the game with Sakura on 6/8 difficulty (Arcade Mode). Pretty difficult. But then again, I'm not good with Sakura.
  • 2014-06-30
  • Completed the game with Ryu on 8/8 difficulty (Arcade Mode). Not bad, doesn't seem that harder than other difficulties. I wonder if the difficulty even changes anything.
  • 2014-07-06
  • Completed the game with Akuma on 8/8 difficulty (Arcade Mode).


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.8 2025-02-11