Scores - size 6: 149 ............. on 2024-06-24 115 ............. on 2024-06-24 Scores - size 5: 21 .............. on 2024-06-21
A 3D maze game running in a browser. Possibly the first one of its kind that I have played?
This is great. I'm learning that a 7x7x7 maze is already difficult, even with color-coded walls and an arrow pointing at the exit.
A 6x6x6 maze is pretty tricky! I wonder if a 6x6x6 maze has similar complexity to a 15x15 maze, since
6*6*6 ~= 15*15
webrender.rb:2332:output_full_game(DB, @4176, options: {})ocdgamer.rb:902:output_entries_filtered( @4176, headline:Passwords / Cheat Codes, [filter], show_dates:false) ocdgamer.rb:902:output_entries_filtered( @4176, headline:Facts, [filter], show_dates:false) ocdgamer.rb:902:output_entries_filtered( @4176, headline:Analysis, [filter], show_dates:false) ocdgamer.rb:902:output_entries_filtered( @4176, headline:Quotes, [filter], show_dates:false) ocdgamer.rb:902:output_entries_filtered( @4176, headline:Technical Notes, [filter], show_dates:false) ocdgamer.rb:902:output_entries_filtered( @4176, headline:, [filter], show_dates:true) ocdgamer.rb:902:output_entries_filtered( @4176, headline:Log entries, [filter], show_dates:true)