I learned at the Develop awards that apparently, this roguelike-inspired poker game is amazing. I need to play this when I get home.
Reached round 12.
I had a very awesome run, reaching round 23!
Console Clapperboard I came up with an efficient way of recording videos of console games with discrete runs. Before starting the video recording, I go to the dashboard where the current time is visible, note it down on my laptop, and start recording before I go back to the game. When the game is done, I note down if it was worth editing or not. Now I have a recording time and a note about the recording, and I can quickly discard bad recordings when I'm editing.
Reached round 24 using cool Joker combinations.
I won a round! I got 3 trophies for that one.
I won using a two pairs strategy.
I basically just played single pairs.