Metal Slug (Neo Geo)

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            Series : Metal Slug
         Developer : Nazca Corporation
             Genre : Run and gun
            Themes : Military
        Other Tags : Akio Oyabu


During a summer vacation at my dad's house in Fjerritslev, I got obsessed with doing a 1-credit completion of the arcade version (MVS) of Metal Slug. I trained so hard, I could reliably reach the last level, but always died at the final boss. Now I have a more realistic goal, namely completing the console version (AES), which has 3 credits and adjustable difficulty.

Rocket throwing frog man is pretty awesome


Scores - AES, 5 Lives, Normal:
 402593 ..........  on 2013-07-27

Log entries

  • Old edits on my wiki indicate that I was playing a lot of MAME games in 2004, including Metal Slug, which came highly recommended by fellow retro-gamer Yngve. I loved Metal Slug for its fast and precise action and glorious graphics and animation.
  • 2005-05-01
  • At the height of my obsession with Metal Slug, I made a little guide with some important pointers.
  • 2007-11-25
  • 2014-07-09: Found an old MAME save state on my old Dell Inspiron 510m laptop.
  • 2013-07-27
  • Got the score 402593 in AES, 5 Lives, Normal. Playing on the train from Copenhagen to Aalborg, I reached the last level. Completing it with these settings definitely seems doable.
  • Completed the game and got the score: 467353 (AES, 5 Lives, Normal). Yes! I did it. How weird to complete this old nemesis of mine unceremoniously in a crowded hot train.
  • 2023-08-07
  • Testing on MiSTer, I could only get red blood by switching to arcade MVS mode and adjusting the settings.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.5 2025-01-19