Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2)

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Log entries

  • Completed the game on Normal difficulty. Verified savegame 2014-01-24.: Completed game in 32:35:50 with 73 saves. Wauw, that's pretty slow. :)
  • Verified savegame 2014-01-24: Completed game in 05:01:55 with 20 saves. In this mode, you play as Ada.
  • Completed the game (Separate Ways).
  • 2006-06-22
  • Completed the game on Professional Mode difficulty. When I learned to use the knife on Krauser and Flash Grenades on parasites, the rest wasn't too hard. The reward was a set of new weapons: the Matilda, Infinite Rocket Launcher, Chicago Typewriter, and the P.R.L. 412.
  • Completed the game on Pro difficulty. Verified savegame 2014-01-24: Completed game in 28:20:45 with 78 saves.
  • Verified savegame 2014-01-24: I have 14/20 stars with Leon Scott Kennedy.
  • Verified savegame 2014-01-24: The Mercenaries: I have 14/20 stars with Leon Scott Kennedy.
  • Verified savegame 2014-01-24: The Mercenaries: I have 9/20 stars with Ada Wong.
  • Verified savegame 2014-01-24: The Mercenaries: I have 14/20 stars with Jack Krauser.
  • Verified savegame 2014-01-24: The Mercenaries: I have 18/20 stars with Hunk.
  • Verified savegame 2014-01-24: The Mercenaries: I have 8/20 stars with Albert Wesker.


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.8 2025-02-11