POWDER (Game Boy Advance)

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             Genre : Roguelike

      Achievements : retroachievements.org

not completed.

I went looking for a roguelike for PSP, and POWDER came up. The game was written by Jeff Lait, who wanted a roguelike for his GameBoy Advance, and decided to make one himself. It's derived from Nethack, which I never really played that much. It was ported to many other platforms, including PSP.

Yay, a room of monsters!


 856 .............  on 2013-10-12
 790 .............  on 2013-10-20

Log entries

  • I look forward to trying a new type of roguelike, one not derived from Moria.
  • After a few rough games with my character dying on dungeon depth 1, my current game is going swimmingly. George3, my fighter has survived for 43 minutes and reached depth 5. I had a troublesome encounter with a really strong named Floating Eye on depth 4, but managed to zap it with a Wand of teleport and escape to depth 5.
  • Got the score 856. I fought bravely and vanquished 114 creatures, including 10 Trolls and a Cockatrice, and even fought a Red Dragon, which I managed to teleport away before it killed me. I ended up clubbed to death by a Cave Troll.
  • I love that you can observe your enemies move around and loot your corpse after you are dead.
  • 2013-10-13
  • I reached depth 4, and killed and ate a Blue Dragon. Awesome. And then a Cockatrice turned me to stone.
  • 2013-10-20
  • Got the score 790. Just played a great game of POWDER (v117) on my MacBook. My evil necromancer, Salat, reached dungeon level 6 and was killed by a Blue Dragon.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page.

syltefar.com v.2.7.5 2025-01-19