Final Fantasy (NES)

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NES, December 1987
            Series : Final Fantasy
         Developer : Squaresoft
             Music : Nobuo Uematsu
             Genre : Japanese Role-Playing Game
          Features : Permanent Level Up
      Release Info : NES Classic Edition

      Achievements :

not completed.
Final Fantasy

Log entries

  • 2014-07-09: First commit of faqs and stuff to Subversion.
  • 2010-02-03
  • I tried my luck at the first Final Fantasy, in all of its 8-bit glory, and with all its weird bugs. The game was mostly fun due to me recognizing all the sprites from '8-bit Theatre', which I have read over the years. I got pretty far before abandoning it.
  • 2020-07-23
  • I researched a little bit of the romhacks of this game. I wanted to find a clean bugfixed version of the game. I believe that 'Final Fantasy Restored' by AstralEsper is as close to that as possible. I'm very impressed with the work that is represented on, there is even a completely reverse engineered source code of this game available.
  • 2020-07-26
  • I've been craving RPGs for a while now, which is why I started playing this classic JRPG again on the MiSTer. I was considering playing one of the improved versions of this game, but I decided against it, it feels against the spirit of my videos, usually trying to represent the games neutrally, without enhancements and modifications.
  • After playing for a couple of hours, I switched to a different game without saving in the MiSTer menu. My FF savegame lost a lot of progress, and I have now enabled auto-save, where the MiSTer saves, every time I enter the menu. That should prevent lost progress when switching games, as I need to enter the menu to do that.

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  @822, headline:, [filter],  show_dates:true)
  @822, headline:Log entries, [filter],  show_dates:true)


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.6.0 2024-12-02