Street Fighter III (CP System III)

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Finally got SFIII up and running on MAME. It is from 1997 and runs on Capcoms CP System III board, a very rare and unsuccesful system that were only used to develop 6 different games, 3 of which were SF games. This game looks absolutely wonderful, with super-smooth animations and very detailed backgrounds.

Sean vs. Gill, that blond freak. By the way, his fire/ice-duality really reminds me of Algol from SC4. Coincidence?


  • I don't think this game is fun to play in single-player. If I could play a survival mode where Gill is not part of the equation, it would be way better. I've been thinking about making an overview of which classic fighting games are still fun in single-player.

Log entries

  • Completed the game with Ryu on 4/8 difficulty and got the score: 1487010. Initially, I started playing on difficulty 1/8, but when I reached Gill, the end boss, he seemed to be unfairly difficult, and I suspected a SF4-like situation, where the end boss difficulty doesn't really change with the difficulty of the other characters. So I restarted on 4/8, and sure enough, he wasn't more difficult; however, I was in better training than the first time, so he had to eat it. And eat it he did.
  • 2020-02-16
  • I'm playing this with Ken, and it's great and a lot of fun. And then I reached the end boss Gill, which has an extra round. So unfair. Playing in 30th Anniversary Collection (PS4).
  • 2020-02-22
  • Gill doesn't have an extra round, but he will auto-regenerate if his super meter is full when you kill him. So you have to make sure to bait out his super before killing him. Playing in 30th Anniversary Collection (PS4).

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.4 2025-01-13