Amazon Hunt II (Pinball)

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         Developer : Gottlieb

not completed.
Amazon Hunt II

Log entries

  • I found no less than *two* Amazon Hunt II machines in Morocco, the first in Kawkab Jeux, an amusement center in Marrakech. It was in an almost unplayable condition, probably due to lack of maintenance.
  • 2014-04-05
  • I've been thinking about entering pinball machines into ocdgamer for a while. Naturally, you don't encounter physical machines very often in 2014, but in that regard they are not much different than arcade games, and I have been logging those for a while, even if I most often play them in an emulated form. Video pinball games that simulate real pinball tables are conceptually not much different from what MAME is in relation to arcade games, and I have been playing the same tables in various incarnations of the FarSight video pinball games, which could be compared to playing the same video game in different emulators. So here goes, I've added 'pinball' as a new system to the database, and will try to extract pinball scores from the video pinball game pages, and join them as entries for the appropriate pinball table. Pinball tables that only exist in a virtual form don't get their own pages for now.

webrender.rb:2447:output_full_game(DB, @868, options: {})ocdgamer.rb:902:output_entries_filtered(
  @868, headline:Passwords / Cheat Codes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @868, headline:Facts, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @868, headline:Analysis, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @868, headline:Quotes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @868, headline:Technical Notes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @868, headline:, [filter],  show_dates:true)
  @868, headline:Log entries, [filter],  show_dates:true)


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.6.0 2024-12-02