Space Invaders (Atari 2600)

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            Series : Space Invaders
Original Developer : Taito
    Port Developer : Taito
             Genre : Fixed shoot 'em up
            Themes : Alien Invasion
        Other Tags : Greatest Covers
           Port of : Space Invaders (1978 Arcade) 

not completed.
Zappin' those little devils from outer space. It's fun!


Scores - Stella:
 7115 ............  on 2014-06-01
 4155 ............  on 2014-06-01
 3960 ............  on 2014-06-01
 2395 ............  on 2014-06-01

Scores - MiSTer:
 2545 ............  on 2020-07-05
 2495 ............  on 2023-06-01

Log entries

  • Got the score 2395 in Stella. Pretty good version of Space Invaders, although I don't like the invisible walls at the edges of the screen...
  • Got the score 3960 in Stella. I feel I'm pretty good at Space Invaders...
  • Got the score 4155 in Stella.
  • Got the score 7115 in Stella.
  • 2020-07-05
  • Got the score 2545 in MiSTer.
  • 2023-06-01
  • Got the score 2495 in MiSTer.

    According to 'Racing the Beam', programmer Richard Maurer used horizontal virtual sprites for this game, meaning that he's resetting the position of a sprite while the electron beam is still drawing a line containing the sprite. It works flawlessly in Space Invaders.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.3.4 2024-07-08