Series : Space Invaders Original Developer : Taito Port Developer : Taito : Genre : Fixed shoot 'em up Themes : Alien Invasion Other Tags : Greatest Covers Port of : Space Invaders (1978 Arcade)
Scores - Stella: 7115 ............ on 2014-06-01 4155 ............ on 2014-06-01 3960 ............ on 2014-06-01 2395 ............ on 2014-06-01 Scores - MiSTer: 2545 ............ on 2020-07-05 2495 ............ on 2023-06-01
According to 'Racing the Beam', programmer Richard Maurer used horizontal virtual sprites for this game, meaning that he's resetting the position of a sprite while the electron beam is still drawing a line containing the sprite. It works flawlessly in Space Invaders.
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