Torchlight (Windows)

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            Series : Torchlight
         Developer : Runic Games
             Music : Matt Uelmen
            Genres : Action role playing game
      Release Info : Steam

      Achievements :


Log entries

  • Torchlight is my first purchase on Steam. Steam works like a charm, no issues of any kind. Torchlight is a very cool and very Diablo-esque hack-and-slash RPG, and very cheap to boot (16 EUR). Interestingly, it was done in the Ogre open source graphics engine.
  • 2010-07-14
  • Reached level 20/35.
  • 2010-07-19
  • Played for a while in Sweden.
  • 2011-03-04
  • Played for a few minutes on my laptop. I still enjoy this game.
  • 2011-07-23
  • Reached level 28/35.
  • 2011-07-24
  • Reached level 30/35.
  • 2011-10-02
  • Completed level 32/35.
  • 2011-12-03
  • Completed level 34/35 on my MacBook running in a window. I had unknowingly saved the game just before a boss fight, so I beat that without any problems, and now I'm at the final boss fight, it seems. I think I should probably connect the laptop to the TV for the final boss fight. :)
  • Completed the game on Normal difficulty. ... And that's what I did. Ordrak, the last boss, had a truly epic number of hitpoints, so it took a lot of patience and a lot of Slash Attacks to finish him off. After a scrolling text message and some elfy looking girl congratulating me, the game just keeps going with infinite dungeons. However, I think my time with Torchlight is spent for now. According to Steam, I've played Torchlight for 24 hours total. Sounds about right.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.5.0 2024-09-20