Kung Fu (NES)

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         Developer : Irem
             Genre : 2D Brawler
        Other Tags : Martial Arts

      Achievements : retroachievements.org

not completed.

A port of Irem's 1984 arcade game Kung-Fu Master, released as 'Spartan X' in Japan, and based on the 1984 martial arts comedy movie 'Wheels on Meals' with Jackie Chan.

Image source: playnesonline.com


Scores - GAME A (Mednafen):
 74360 ...........  on 2018-11-13
 30340 ...........  on 2018-11-08


  • OCDgamer.dk → syltefar.com

    I've changed the name of the site from ocdgamer.dk to syltefar.com . There are now a whole bunch of sites and YouTube channels called OCD gamer or something similar, some of them gamers with actual OCD, and my dumb joke site name seems less funny now. From now on this site will go by my earliest game account name - 'syltefar' - from back in 2008 when I made my Xbox account. I hope that I'll be able to stay the one and only syltefar on the internet.

Log entries

  • I never played this game before, but when I decided to do my first ROM hack of this particular game, I spent the last many hours getting to know the game a little better.
  • I wanted to record a video of my ROM-hacked end sequence of the game, and since I really haven't played this before, I decided to learn how to cheat in the Mednafen emulator. I found the relevant addresses on thealmightyguru.com and figured out how to use Mednafen's neat cheat interface, which seems a bit underdocumented right now. The cheat interface is accessed by pressing Alt-c and the game is frozen while you enter codes (including video recording).
  • I wanted an invincibility cheat. The player hit points is a byte value $00-$30 stored at address $04A6. I wanted a cheat that set this value to $30 whenever it was accessed. In the cheat interface, I did this the following way:
    > 2 (Cheat Search...)
    > 1 (Add Cheat)
    Name: hits
    Type: S (Substitue on reads)
    Address: $4a6
    Value: $30
    Enable? Y
  • The cheat worked, except for when a level ends and the hit points are converted into bonus points. This will go on forever, because the cheat resets the value to 0 every time it is read. So, when a level ends, the cheat should be temporarily disabled.
  • The final boss was a bit tricky as well, so I set his hitpoints to $01 and then disabled the cheat to defeat him with a single low kick. Disabling the cheat was necessary to enable his hit points to go below $01 when I kicked him.
  • Got the score 30340 in GAME A (Mednafen).
  • 2018-11-11
  • I like Kung Fu, and I would have absolutely loved it back in 1985. I can see where Shadow of the Beast got its gameplay from. I'm practicing a bit, the second level is very difficult, but the third one seems OK. It seems the big guy at the end of level 3 is subsceptible to a quick succession of punches in the groin.
  • 2018-11-13
  • Got the score 74360 in GAME A (Mednafen). I streamed a video to underscore that I've changed the name of the YouTube channel from OCDgamer to syltefar. I'm done with OCDgamer, there are now a whole bunch of OCD gamers on YouTube, and my brand is all polluted now :D. The name was always meant as a joke, but now I'll be returning to an earlier joke name - 'syltefar' - from back in 2008 when I made my Xbox account. I hope that I can have syltefar for myself. Oh yeah, and I reached the end of stage 4 with the monkey guy.
  • 2019-09-22
  • Got the Stick Fighter - Beginner achievement. - I installed the newest version of RetroArch, entered my retroachievements.org account, and ran Kung Fu using the Mesen emulator (which is apparently the cool new very accurate emulator). I got an achievement for beating the first level.

webrender.rb:2312:output_full_game(DB, @2073, options: {})ocdgamer.rb:901:output_entries_filtered(
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Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page.

syltefar.com v.2.5.0 2024-09-20