Possibly the first Base Attack game, this was fun to discover. It's surprisingly playable, even though the graphics is a bit hard to read.
OK, I guess the black planes are bombers that destroy your carrier, and everything else shoots at your chopper.
I watched Will Wright's GDC talk about this game, so I know that I'm supposed to bomb the factories to halt the production of enemy vehicles or something.
The map seems to loop around in both x and y.
The carrier seems to refill bombs and repair my chopper.
Oh wow, I can actually land on a specific spot on the big airfield island with two factories, and it refills my bombs!
When I get shot down, I can kamikaze and destroy something with my wreck.
Completed the game and got the score: 44150.
I did it! After playing for 1.5 hours, I beat this classic game. It's pulse-poundingly difficult, very cool game.
Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page.