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Player Guide: The Original Resident Evil

Date     : 2022-02-17
Entry ID : 12754
Game     : Resident Evil: Director's Cut (@3153)

At the time of writing, there are seven versions of the game 'Resident Evil'. Which one is best?

Seven Resident Evils

A survey of the different versions of the first Resident Evil:
Bio Hazard (JP PSX March 1996)

Resident Evil (US PSX March 1996)
- Censored cutscenes for violence
- Disabled auto-aim
- Less ink ribbons

Resident Evil: Director's Cut (PSX Sept. 1997)
- Seems like the best version!
- Standard gun has random crit chance
- Difficulty should be like original Japanese version
- Adds auto-aim

Resident Evil: Dual Shock Ver. (PSX Aug. 1998)
- Maybe avoid this one!
- Analog controls
- Bad soundtrack credited to Mamoru Samuragochi (although he didn't write it)

Resident Evil (GC 2002)
- Complete remake

Resident Evil: Deadly Silence (NDS 2006)

Resident Evil (PS4 2014)
- remaster of GC 2002 version

I have settled on Director's Cut being the best version to try, as it seems to be more or less the same as the original Japanese 'Bio Hazard', with a slightly better handgun.

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