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Avianos Mini-FAQ

Date     : 2024-12-22
Entry ID : 16575
Game     : Avianos (@4277)

Mini-FAQ for UFO 50 game Avianos.

                                               __ __          ___             
-------------------------------- .-----.--.--.|  |  |_.-----.'  _|.---.-.----.
  Avianos Mini-FAQ               |__ --|  |  ||  |   _|  -__|   _||  _  |   _|
                                 |_____|___  ||__|____|_____|__|  |___._|__|  
  Game   : Avianos (UFO 50)
  Author : syltefar
  Date   : 2024-12-22
  URL    :


* Workers are just another resource, that gets used to produce things.
  Poor birds.

* Mountains block troop movement. You need to upgrade the 'move' action to
  move through mountain tiles.

* Recruiting Normally you can only recruit troops at towers. But QUETZAL can
  'muster' troops at the yellow buildings.

* Resources: seeds, bones, workers (max 9).

* Gaining Favor results in one of the tree Ancestor actions being leveled up.


  Deity Abilities

            Move                               Resources--------------
  Deity     [1]   Build  Miracle Troops Trade  Seeds   Bones   Workers
  -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
  Brontor         x      x                     x       x       x   
  Quetzal   DS                   x      x
  Rexadon   MD                   x             x
  Stegnar   SM    x              x                              
  Trilock                x       x                     x          
  [1] 'XY' means first upgrade is X, second upgrade is Y
      D : diagnoal movement  M : through mountains  S : surprise attack


Seeds are primarily used for recruiting soldiers
- Rexadon, Stegnar, and Trilock recruits soldiers using Seeds
- Quetzal trades Seeds for Workers
- Brontor builds Blue Fountains using Seeds

Bones are primarily used for miracles
- Stegnar can recruit Owl Priests for Bones

Workers are used to build buildings
- Brontor and Stegnar builds buildings using Workers


Trilock : MAGIC FLIGHT moves troops 2 tiles 
          HOLY VISION Reveal enemy location for 4 turns
          LIGHTNING STRIKE Kills 2 units of each type at location

Brontor : SACRED OFFERING gains favor with ancestor
          EARTH MOVE moves mountains
          SNOW STORM freeze enemy unit in 2 turns


Surprise Attack: During realtime combat, defending units can't move until
attacking units attack

Buildings (max 3 per tile):
  Purple House of worship generates bones
  Green Seed Factory      generates seeds 
  Blue fountain           generates workers
  Yellow buildings
    QUETZAL and REXADON can recruit at them


2024-12-29: Collected notes from game log to mini-FAQ.
2024-12-22: Wrote ability list in game log.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.4 2025-01-13