Workers are just another resource, that gets used to produce things. Poor birds.
Mountains block troop movement. You need to upgrade the 'move' action to move through mountain tiles.
Recruiting Normally you can only recruit troops at towers. But QUETZAL can 'muster' troops at the yellow buildings.
Resources seeds, bones, workers (max 9).
Gaining Favor results in one of the tree Ancestor actions being leveled up.
Confusing but fascinating strategy game similar to Civilization, but every turn you pray to a dinosaur deity of your own choice, determining resources and available actions.
Malu and I played a game and lost, but we managed to fully level up Brontor, giving us a Gift for the Pig.
Beat the HATCHLING difficulty!
Beat the FLEDGLING difficulty!
Beat the ADULT difficulty and got credits. Game written by Gerry Smolsky, graphics by Shayn North, sound by Joy Akebi.