I showed Malu this awesome old game from the beginning to the Doghouse. I should play through this again, it's very nostalgic to see it again.
I started a recording a new game, I reached Midwich Elementary School, and I'm starting to feel the feeling I had back in 1999, an uneasy joy of exploring the wonderfully detailed environments, and fearing the horror of the deformed creatures and ghosts.
I downloaded Giromancy's 'Silent Hill Level Viewer 2.0.2' and I'm looking at some of the areas in detail. It's really cool that they managed to extract the models and textures, and it's fascinating to see just how big the town of Silent Hill is.
I finished Midwich Elementary School and defeated the first boss, The Lizard.
I reached The Hospital. This place still fills me with dread.
Exiting the antique shop triggered the Hell world transformation of the streets of Silent Hill. I entered the Silent Hill Town Center and fought a big larva. After that, back to the hospital, and then the larva seemed to have turned into a big moth. Next to the school there was a tunnel that lead to the sewers.
Konami Burger - looks like a nice place. :)
Dr. Michael Kaufmann shooting at Harry Mason at point blank range and missing is one of the craziest moments in the game. I wonder if the room was supposed to be bigger when the scene was written?
I finished Dr. Michael Kaufmann's side quest. Weirdly, it doesn't really have much to do with the main plot, he's just a doctor heavily involved in drug trade and even murder.
I reached Nowhere, the final area.
After writing out the 'condensed walkthrough' and studying the maps on GameFAQs, I was able to figure out Nowhere. It's a very confusing layout, and has a lot of puzzles and keys and stuff. After that, the final boss was relatively easy.
I got the 'Good' ending, and for 'New Fear' mode, I get the Rock Drill and the Chainsaw.