Scores - A-TYPE (MasterBoy):
32397 ........... on 2014-08-08
32054 ........... on 2014-08-09
Other scores:
21919 ........... on 2014-12-08
9845 ........... on 2014-12-08
Scores - A-Type:
11463 ........... on 2019-05-11
Log entries
Got the score 32397 in A-TYPE (MasterBoy).
Reached level 8 and then it got real fast real quick. Oh, the hiscore music is cute.
Got the score 32054 in A-TYPE (MasterBoy).
I played on the train on my way home from a fun trip with PD from Sweden.
I got a Super Game boy free from LukieGames, using my 'reward points', and then I got a few games, including Tetris! Look forward to playing the original game. :)
The Super Game Boy used to be 59.99$, I got mine for free. I had some trouble getting Tetris to run, until I tried not pressing the cartridge all the way down. Now it works like a charm. The colors look crazy, and I wonder if I can change the border around the screen?
Awesome, entered the Super Game Boy system menu by pressing L+R.
Yes, black background: the only choice.
Got the score 9845.
Argh, my scores on this thing suck.
Got the score 21919.
Got the score 11463 in A-Type.
I bought an GameBoy for Malu's birthday, and had to test it out. It works. :)
Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page.