TIS-100 (Windows)

🎲 random (⌨R) genres graphics themes release info hardware features

         Developer : Zachtronics
             Genre : Programming games
          Graphics : Text Art

      Achievements : truesteamachievements.com

not completed.

Log entries

  • This computer science puzzle game is super fun and difficult. I like its no-nonsense visual style and the awesome choice of including a authentic CPU manual for the fake computer system represented in the game. TIS-100 is in early access on Steam, but the parts I tried seems finished.
  • Completed the 3 first segments. For the third one, I had to remember that (B-A) = -(A-B). *slaps forehead*
  • 2015-06-04
  • Completed 7 segments. It seems the instruction timing between nodes is nondeterministic. I made a SIGNAL PATTERN DETECTOR that only works once in a while, because I assumed deterministic timing.
  • 2015-06-07
  • I guess it is deterministic after all. Mikkel G explained to me that the input-output data starts out the same every time, but then proceeds with a random sequence that also has to work. I made an algorithm that worked some of the time, and actually got a better score than I deserved by accident. Maybe a bit of a design flaw, but at least I know why.

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  @1381, headline:Quotes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @1381, headline:Technical Notes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @1381, headline:Story Summary, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @1381, headline:, [filter],  show_dates:true)
  @1381, headline:Log entries, [filter],  show_dates:true)


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page.

syltefar.com v.2.7.5 2025-01-19