I played through most of a nearly finished version of THOTH with Thomas while visiting him in Aarhus. Very fun, and very exhausting. :)
Jeppes new game is finished now. I deleted the savegame that he ruined by unlocking everything in his suitably awesome test playthrough. I will play it from scratch now.
Reached level 52. The first level is 64, and it counts down as you progress.
Andreas F wanted to try this, with Martin and myself watching.
I just played through levels 64-08 with the new mouse and keyboard controls. I prefer using a controller, but mouse and keyboard works just fine.
Completed the game (Main Game).
Jeppe tweaked the rules of his punishing shooter, and I played through it again to test the difficulty. It wasn't too bad anymore, except for levels 08-05, which are still perplexing.
Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page.