Alien Breed (PlayStation 3)

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Log entries

  • I never knew this port of the Amiga classic existed, and it was 15 DKK on the PS store, so I bought it along with Alien Breed 2: Assault, the sequel to Alien Breed Evolution, which was also 15 DKK.
  • I started playing Enhanced Mode, the precise rules of which I'm still unclear on. The main enhancement is having proper dual joystick controls, improving the feel of the game. Also, the INTEX SYSTEMS console is accessible at all times from the Start button, and after having bought the map, I can view it in all levels using the Select button. Those are proper improvements. The graphics are not, however, the redrawn sprites and backgrounds look pretty awkward. I wonder if I can play Enhanced Mode using the original graphics?
  • Completed level 3. I defeated a big insectoid boss creature. I remember fighting this back in the 90s, and I think I was playing with my friend Morten at the time. The boss didn't do a lot, just walked around and ate my bullets.
  • Completed the game (ALIEN BREED ENHANCED MODE). Completed level 6, which is covered in Giger-esque alien stuff, killed the alien queen, and escaped with plenty of lives, ammo, and money to spare. Enhanced Mode was pretty easy.
  • Completed the game (CONVERGENCE ENHANCED MODE). Completed 4 new levels, significantly smaller and simpler than the original ones. It seems that upgrades purchased in the shop are permanent across all games! I invested in one of my favourite weapon upgrades of all time, the Plasma Shotgun. It's cool, but doesn't sound as good as the metallic brutal Amiga original.
  • Completed the game (VALIANCE ENHANCED MODE). 4 more new levels. The last one was tricky, It was critical to reach the 4 power generator thingies in the right order, being bottom-right, bottom-left, taking the then open fire door up to the top-left one, and then finally top-right, disabling the alarm.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.5 2025-01-19