Bee Brilliant Blast (Android)

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         Developer : Tactile Entertainment
             Genre : Arcade puzzle
      Release Info : DGA 2018
        Other Tags : DK Developed

not completed.
- This game was nominated for a Spilprisen 2018 award. I was a jury member for the awards.
Image source:

Log entries

  • So, this is a mix between Bejeweled and Hexic. Hexagonal blocks that can turn into power-ups like Hexic, but you can't rotate blocks, you just click to match them like Bejeweled.
  • The 'level complete'-bees are singing the reward song! And their animation fits the song! That's just wonderful. :)
  • They even do a capella dubstep. I don't know what to think of that...
  • So far, even though the gameplay seems deceptively satisfying, I have barely made any tactical decision. This game seems to more or less play itself. It's like a clicker.
  • Pop-ups for paying some fake currency or watching ads have started appearing in the beginning of levels. They seem to suggest that you free a bee before the level starts, which seems pointless. The good thing is that ignoring the pop-up for a few seconds makes it go away.
  • Now I'm 'Out of moves', but I can pay 70 fake money to continue playing. I don't have any, but I can buy ... 140 for 17 DKK? That's a lot of money for two continues. I can also generate 1 fake money by watching an ad. I'll try that to see how it's integrated.
  • After a video, there is a full-screen ad, and I have a tiny button to get back into the game. Very annoying.
  • After *not* paying money to continue, I 'lost a life', whatever that means.
  • Let's try that level again, and keep an eye on the number of moves.
  • I beat the level with 1 move left. Level 8 seems carefully designed to steal a life.
  • OK, a tactical choice is which tile of the tiles that form a power-up will actually get the power-up. That seems important.
  • And now an ad for a bunch of coins and boosters for 9 DKK. No thank you.
  • Oh, I get it. 5 or more tiles turn into power-up tiles. Of course. 5-6 seem to form the missile bees, 7-8 forms bombs, 9 or more form queens (eradicates all of their color).
  • I lost one more life. I'll try using a Booster Bee as I seem to be able to hold no more than 3 anyway.
  • The 4-second ad for watching an ad to free a bee gets *really* annoying after a while.
  • Daily Quest? That's seems like another scam, but I'll go along with it...
  • I can play the next quest in 11:50 hours or pay fake money to play it now. I'm going to not do that. :)
  • I'm getting 3/3 stars in every level so far. Not much of an incentive to get better.
  • The direction of the missile bees seems random? If it is, it's a poor design choice, as it could be a key tactical decision.
  • I reached level 19. Enough for now.

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External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.4.1 2024-08-09