Hitman 2 (Windows)

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            Series : Hitman
             Music : Niels Bye Nielsen
             Genre : Stealth games
      Release Info : DGA 2019
        Other Tags : DK Developed

      Achievements : truesteamachievements.com

not completed.
- This game was nominated for a Spilprisen 2019 award. I was a jury member for the awards.
Image source: rockpapershotgun.com

Log entries

  • I completed the beach house level, which was a beautifully rendered beach with a fun little tutorial mission.
  • The Miami mission was very fun, and started out hilariously. I go around the side, murder a security guard with a crowbar and steal his clothes. After taking care of a few witnesses, I find Ted Mendez, a big army dude that is just standing at the edge of the pier. I quickly murder him and steal his clothes. Now, I just wander into the facility and everyone assumes I'm him. Very funny. The evil weapons manufacturor guy did a demonstration where I get to pick a photo of a target, and his robot will eliminate it for me. Obviously, I give the robot a photo of the manufacturor guy, and he's dead, and I just walk away. Easy. :)
  • Next up: the daughter, who's a race car driver, has a meeting with a mascot who's blackmailing her. Of course, I murder the guy and dress up as a pink flamingo mascot. I couldn't come up with something clever, so I walked up to her and shot her in the face, and then hid in a closet. I managed to murder a security guard, and switch clothes and walk out of there.
  • 2019-03-16
  • Completed the Colombia mission with Malu giving helpful advice.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page.

syltefar.com v.2.5.1 2024-11-06