AI Dungeon 2 (HTML)

🎲 random genres graphics themes release info hardware features

         Developer : OpenAI
             Genre : Adventure games
        Other Tags : Artificial Intelligence

not completed.

A fascinating experiment in AI language models used to generate nonsensical text adventures.

Image source:

Log entries

  • I played my first AI adventure with a wizard named Gandalf the Great. Gandalf flew around some city ruins and summoned two green dwarves to help him rebuild the city. He punched one of the dwarves to death and then tried unsuccesfully to ressurect him. Gandalf then summoned all the squirrels in the world and attacked all cities with his squirrel army. After everything was destroyed, Gandalf decided to eat all the squirrels. After this, the game froze. What a great adventure.
  • I started a new adventure with Fightor the Knight. He was on a quest to defeat the evil dragon of Larion. The dragon was in the beginning location, and Fightor walked past it. He killed several small animals, as well as wolves and ogres, and ate them. The game froze again.
  • 2019-12-12
  • After breaking and reloading the save, I could continue. I decided to go for a quick victory:

    > go to dragon

    You walk to the dragon. You notice that it is sitting on a hilltop. You look at the dragon and notice that its scales are red and its body is covered in blood. You wonder what happened to it. You think about what you need to do next

    > chop dragon with two-handed sword

    You chop the dragon with your two-handed sword. The dragon screams and falls off the hill. You run after it and cut it with your sword. You stab the dragon repeatedly and slash it across the chest. You stab it in the eye and pull out its heart

    > slice dragon into small pieces

    You slice the dragon into small pieces. You look at the pieces and smile. You think about what you need to do next. You think about what you need to do next.
    You look at the pieces of dragon and smile. You think about what you need to do next

  • I then ate the dragon and the AI started being really weird. I decided I completed the game.
  • I created a new character, Schmandalf, who summoned a flying sword that immediately hit him in the face. He died from this.
  • Schlandalf did better. He built a tower, tried to summon food, which turned into zombies, but then he ate all the zombies. He encountered more zombies, but turned them into humans. Some men were fighting some women, so Schlandalf killed all the men, and became the leader of the women. He commanded the women to attack an orc camp. While the women finished killing the last orcs, Schlandalf flew home to his tower, enjoying his victory.
  • You return to your tower, and enjoy your victory

    > smoke pipe

    You smoke a pipe, and relax. You are happy that you won, and you feel like you deserve to live happily ever after..

webrender.rb:2275:output_full_game(DB, @2337, options: {})ocdgamer.rb:899:output_entries_filtered(
  @2337, headline:Passwords / Cheat Codes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @2337, headline:Facts, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @2337, headline:Analysis, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @2337, headline:Quotes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @2337, headline:Technical Notes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @2337, headline:Log entries, [filter],  show_dates:true)


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.4.0 2024-07-31