Streets of Rage 4 (Xbox One)

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Log entries

  • Streets of Rage 4 is out now on Xbox Game Pass... Is something I didn't expect to say. :)
  • 2020-05-02
  • Malu and I kicked and punched our way through the new Streets of Rage. The last couple of levels were very difficult, and required a lot of strategy on our part. The enemies flash white to indicate an unstoppable attack is coming up, and flash red to indicate a throw. I feel it would be more elegant if they had animations that clearly showed their intent instead. However, I'm nitpicking, this game is great, looks great, feels great, and sounds great.
  • 2020-05-03
  • Completed the game. We completed the game, but I had forgotton to press record on the Elgato Stream Deck.
  • We decided to play the last level again, recording it for posterity. It was easier doing it again. There is a safe zone next to the mech leg of the final boss, where you can just stand and hit it, and move, when attacked by the sister.
  • The second video was a nightmare to cut, due to a combination of issues. I forgot to press record on the final boss, so we re-recorded it (on Malu's suggestion, I wouldn't dare). Elgato decided to cut what we had recorded up into 29 pieces of about 3 minutes. I ended up writing more than 100 lines of configuration script for my video editing script to assemble these videos:
    	  "in"  : "sor4-intro-Recording_1970-01-01_01-00-00_0001.ts",
    	  "from": "00:01:45.000",
    	  "to":   "00:02:48.000",
    	  "fix" : true
    	} ,
    	  "in"  : "sor4_2020-05-01_21-52-36_0002.ts",
    	  "from": "00:00:54.000",
    	  "to":   "00:49:00.000",
    	  "fix" : true
    	} ,
    	  "in"  : "sor4_2020-05-01_21-52-36_0002.ts",
    	  "from": "01:01:18.000",
    	  "to":   "01:14:26.000",
    	  "fix" : true
        "options": "", "perform": 1
    	  "note": "stage 7-8",
    	  "in"  : "sor4_2020-05-01_21-52-36_0002.ts",
    	  "from": "01:14:27.000",
    	  "to":   "01:28:32.000",
    	  "fix" : true
    	} ,
    	  "note": "stage 9",
    	  "in"  : "sor4_2020-05-01_21-52-36_0002.ts",
    	  "from": "01:46:01.000",
    	  "to":   "01:55:11.000",
    	  "fix" : true
    	} ,
    	  "note": "stage 10",
    	  "in"  : "sor4-Recording_1970-01-01_01-00-00_0009.ts",
    	  "from": "00:01:10.000",
    	  "fix" : true
    	} ,
    	  "note": "stage 10",
    	  "in"  : "sor4-Recording_1970-01-01_01-00-00_0010.ts",
    	  "fix" : true
    	} ,
    	  "note": "stage 10",
    	  "in"  : "sor4-Recording_1970-01-01_01-00-00_0011.ts",
    	  "fix" : true
    	} ,
    	  "note": "stage 10",
    	  "in"  : "sor4-Recording_1970-01-01_01-00-00_0012.ts",
    	  "to":   "00:01:33.000",
    	  "fix" : true
    	} ,
    	  "note": "stage 11",
    	  "in"  : "Recording_1970-01-01_01-00-00_0021.ts",
    	  "from": "00:02:46.000",
    	  "fix" : true
    	} ,
    	  "note": "stage 11",
    	  "in"  : "Recording_1970-01-01_01-00-00_0022.ts",
    	  "fix" : true
    	} ,
    	  "note": "stage 11",
    	  "in"  : "Recording_1970-01-01_01-00-00_0023.ts",
    	  "fix" : true
    	} ,
    	  "note": "stage 11",
    	  "in"  : "Recording_1970-01-01_01-00-00_0024.ts",
    	  "fix" : true
    	} ,
    	  "note": "stage 11",
    	  "in"  : "Recording_1970-01-01_01-00-00_0025.ts",
    	  "to":   "00:00:54.000",
    	  "fix" : true
    	} ,
    	  "note": "stage 12",
    	  "in"  : "sor4_2020-05-02_19-20-39_0002.ts",
    	  "from": "00:57:25.000",
    	  "to":   "01:12:02.000",
    	  "fix" : true
    	} ,
    	  "note": "credits",
    	  "in"  : "sor4_2020-05-02_19-20-39_0002.ts",
    	  "from": "00:39:36.000",
    	  "to":   "00:44:21.000",
    	  "fix" : true
        "options": "", "perform": 1

webrender.rb:2538:output_full_game(DB, @2479, options: {})ocdgamer.rb:948:output_entries_filtered(
  @2479, headline:Passwords / Cheat Codes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @2479, headline:Facts, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @2479, headline:Analysis, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @2479, headline:Quotes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @2479, headline:Technical Notes, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @2479, headline:Story Summary, [filter],  show_dates:false)
  @2479, headline:, [filter],  show_dates:true)
  @2479, headline:Log entries, [filter],  show_dates:true)


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.5 2025-01-19