I'm in the mood for space sims, and completed mission 7/14.
My SanDisk Ultra 256 GB SD card seems to have died recording this game. It's been used a lot, so it's fair that it's retiring now. I will order a new one.
I played a few more missions, which are getting more difficult, but I'm finding hit and run strategies that work. Until I reached Mission 11, which is the kind of confusing, poorly tested, imprecise mess that remind me of early 2000's games. In the mission, you must scan some mines that you can then use to destroy enemy ships. The problem is that the mines must be manually detonated by shooting them. Knowing where all enemy ships are located and which path they travel is not clear from the radar, it's not clear when the mines are close enough to damage enemy ships (although there is a tooltip that states that they blink and make a beeping sound, something I have yet to experience), and mines destroy you if you get too close. The mission is timed very tightly, so you have to try to get ahead of the enemies, avoid getting shot, maneuver close to a mine, but not too close, gauge how far away the enemies are, shoot the mine when it's supposedly close enough, and then quickly run ahead to the next mine to try and hit the thips again. I failed so many times, even after turning down the difficulty to Story (lowest difficulty).
When using headphones plugged into the PS5 controller, the PS5 doesn't output audio to the TV, which means I record no audio on the Elgato. Mission 9 recording was lost due to this mistake. I think this game is cursed.