Ikari Warriors (Arcade)

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            Series : Ikari Warriors
         Developer : SNK
             Genre : Multidirectional shoot 'em up
            Themes : Military
      Release Info : MiSTer implementation
       Emulated in : SNK 40th Col. (2019 PS4) 

      Achievements : retroachievements.org

not completed.
Image source: mobygames.com


Scores - MiSTer:
 24800 ...........  on 2022-08-13

Log entries

  • After playing some of the other 1980s SNK games in the SNK 40th Anniversary Collection, I understand why Ikari Warriors was the one they became known for. This plays pretty well and even has some element of tactics to it. And the tanks are fun.
  • 2022-08-13
  • Got the score 24800 in MiSTer. After playing Commando on the MiSTer, I felt like trying another one of these.


Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page.

syltefar.com v.2.7.8 2025-02-11