Developer : Digital Eclipse Music : Robert Baffy Genre : Game Collection Emulates : Ozma Wars (1979 Arcade) Sasuke vs. Commander (1980 Arcade) Alpha Mission (1985 Arcade) Victory Road (1986 Arcade) Ikari Warriors (1986 Arcade) Athena (1986 Arcade) Time Soldiers (1987 Arcade) World Wars (1987 Arcade) Psycho Soldier (1987 Arcade) Guerrilla War (1987 Arcade) P.O.W.: Prisoners of War (1988 Arcade) Chopper I (1988 Arcade) SAR: Search and Rescue (1989 Arcade) Ikari III: The Rescue (1989 Arcade) Beast Busters (1989 Arcade) Prehistoric Isle (1989 Arcade) Trophies : truetrophies.com
The SNK 40th Anniversary Collection was on sale for 119 DKK. This looks like a great emulation package with a lot of games I have never played.
Robert Baffy's menu music is damn charming.
A bold statement about SNK: I don't think their arcade games from the 1980s are very good. I do like the NES port of Guerrilla War, and Ikari Warriors is OK, although I might prefer Commando. I think Beast Busters from 1989 is the first SNK arcade game I like without too many reservations. And from that point on, in the 1990s, SNK makes genuinely great games.