The frame rate is unstable and between 12-20 FPS.
This is a sequel to Super Off-road!
I'm annoyed that I can keep racing the same tracks, but don't pick up enough money to ever upgrade my car. I feel like the balance is a bit off.
webrender.rb:2299:output_full_game(DB, @3829, options: {})ocdgamer.rb:901:output_entries_filtered( @3829, headline:Passwords / Cheat Codes, [filter], show_dates:false) ocdgamer.rb:901:output_entries_filtered( @3829, headline:Facts, [filter], show_dates:false) ocdgamer.rb:901:output_entries_filtered( @3829, headline:Analysis, [filter], show_dates:false) ocdgamer.rb:901:output_entries_filtered( @3829, headline:Quotes, [filter], show_dates:false) ocdgamer.rb:901:output_entries_filtered( @3829, headline:Technical Notes, [filter], show_dates:false) ocdgamer.rb:901:output_entries_filtered( @3829, headline:, [filter], show_dates:true) ocdgamer.rb:901:output_entries_filtered( @3829, headline:Log entries, [filter], show_dates:true)