R-Type (Amiga)

🎲 random (⌨R) genres graphics themes release info hardware features

            Series : R-Type
Original Developer : Irem
    Port Developer : Irem
    Original Music : Chris Hülsbeck, Masato Ishizaki
 Music Arranged by : Darius Zendeh
             Genre : Scrolling shoot 'em up
            Themes : Bio-horror
    Metagame Class : FCLR
           Port of : R-Type (1987 M72) 

not completed.

This was the first R-Type I played, and one of the first Amiga games I was really excited about. I have vivid memories of waking up in the morning in my parents house, sneaking into the office room, and turning my brothers Amiga 500 on.



Other scores:
 94900 ...........  on 2015-03-15
 71000 ...........  on 2015-03-15

Scores - MiSTer:
 87100 ...........  on 2021-04-12

Passwords / Cheat Codes

  • The high score cheat is 'SUMITA.', including the full stop at the end, and it works on FS-UAE. Look forward to trying it on the Amiga hardware.


  • Interesting frame update implementation: the movement of your craft runs at 50 Hz, everything else runs at 25 Hz, including enemies, enemy bullets, and player bullets.

Log entries

  • The 13-year old me thought R-Type was the coolest game I had ever played.
  • 2013-02-02
  • I don't think I ever progressed past level 4 on this version...
  • 2013-02-09
  • Hmm... There is a high score cheat, 'SUMITA', for getting unlimited lives. Should make R-Type finishable.
  • 2013-02-10
  • My R-Type disk is not in good shape. I had to try rebooting 5 times before the disk drive recognized the boot block, and it doesn't seem to be able to load after that.
  • 2015-03-15
  • Got the score 94900. Testing out my Gotek drive in Fjerritslev.
  • Got the score 71000. Reached level 3 playing on my Amiga modded with the awesome Gotek drive emulator. Now I can play all the games.
  • 2015-03-21
  • You need 30000 points to enter the hiscore list.
  • Say what? R-Type supports two buttons on the controller! Awesome.
  • Playing with the 'SUMITA.' cheat, I reached stage 6, and then the meatball boss started glitching the game horribly, killing me and messing with the memory to the point that it was almost unplayable. Enemies were teleporting around the screen, and the bottom half of the screen was deadly. I still managed to reached the next stage, but the game is still glitched, and I should probably stop the game for now.
  • 2021-04-12
  • Got the score 87100 in MiSTer. I played a game on the MiSTer, reaching stage 4.
  • 2024-12-27
  • I played a game on my brother's modified Amiga, and reached level 4. The title screen usic is still amazing.


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Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page.

syltefar.com v.2.7.6 2025-02-04