Ms. Pac-man (Arcade)

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Ms. Pac-man


Scores - speedup hack:
 85790 ...........  on 2016-03-20
 50100 ...........  on 2016-03-20

Scores - MAME:
 23200 ...........  on 2017-12-03
 15920 ...........  on 2013-07-02

Log entries

  • Got the score 15920 in MAME. This was my first Ms. Pac-man game, believe it or not.
  • 2016-03-20
  • Got the score 50100 in speedup hack. The Musée Mécanique had no less than three Ms. Pac-man machines, two cocktail machines, and a stand-up one that I played. It was hacked to run stupidly fast, which made the game much more entertaining. I wanted to beat the high score of the day, and succeeded.
  • Got the score 85790 in speedup hack. Someone beat my high score. That was not acceptable, so I had to get it back!
  • 2017-12-03
  • Got the score 23200 in MAME.
  • 2020-04-14
  • Malu wanted to play Ms. Pac-Man, so I quickly booted up MAME and we played a few rounds.


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Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.7.6 2025-02-04